Totally Dillusional Jen?”
MEDIA RELEASE September 30 th 2009
Father Christmas, the Tooth Fairy and Easter Bunny have much in common with the fantasy world in which some politicians appear to live.
The 11. 09. 2009 Media Release (attached) from Federal Minister for Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs , Ms Jennifer Macklin's officetakes fanciful and imaginary living back centuries into the era of Hans Christian Anderson. Given the lofty title of "Community and Disability Service Ministers Communiqu'e" the concept of a good old fashioned joint State/Federal/ ALP love-in appears alive and well !
If Pinochio had written this media release he would now have a very very very loooooooooong nose!
Talking of "significant progress" while applauding that just 150 new supported accommodation positions have been generated nationally in 12 months , half the learned politiciansself proclaimed target for 3 years , is dillusional. With over 22,500 clients registered nationally for supported accommodation unmet need waiting lists Ms Macklin has clearly bumped her head! If this is progress what is disaster? More people nationaly will have joined these disability waiting lists in the last 12 months than what have been accommodated. They need to start targetting 3000 new positions a year!
The Communiqu'e talks of "breadth of innovative iniatives being delivered across jurisdictions"
Thatmust be some sort of weird French translation for "sitting around talking complete garbage" because nothing good in Disability Services has happened in SA in the last 12 months. Increases in funding levels have been slashed to less than inflation rates and federal inflation payments appear hijacked. The new National Disability Agreement smells like a wet dog?
The tone of this Federal media release highlights much joy and progress in disability services. Noted Oz comicPaul Hogan, fresh from a victory over the tax office would probably dismiss it as simply as good ol government bullshit!
Right across the country people with a disability have never done it tougher.
Waiting lists are doubling every 4-6 years
Funding is being cut
Services are being slashed
Themost laughable comment however appears on page 3 of the media transcript.
TheHonourable? Ministers are working on an aplogy for "forgotten australians (not the disabled)" How funny is that?
As the ministerssmooched and schmoozed people with a disability were being forgotten, abused and neglected right across Australia by governments who can not claim they are unaware of the problems. The need for more data, research or more planning is just another delaying tactic to avoid the biggest need. ACTION NOW!
No-one reading this Communiqu'e will believe any real actions are in place to address Australia's Disability crisis.
The answers however are readily available. Disability Speaks strongly recommends that Ms Macklin and Mr Shorten and Kevin 07 if he is available make the lunch belowa priority
At the National Press Club next week Dr Rhonda Galbally will present Shut Out:The Experience of People with Disabilities and their Families in Australia.
Recently released by the National People with Disabilities and Carer Council, Shut Out is the product of extensive nationwide consultations with people with disability, their families, friends and carers. Shut Out reveals the full extent of the exclusion and discrimination experienced by people with disability and their families. Shut out of schools, shut out of jobs, shut out of housing, shut out of health care, shut out of community groups – the report reveals the many ways people with a disability are prevented from become active and full participants in the economic, social and cultural life of the nation.
Dr Galbally will also present some of the ideas for reform that emerged during the consultation process, and the importance of the introduction and implementation of a strong National Disability Strategy. She will also speak about growing support for the introduction of a National Disability Insurance Scheme.
You can also watch it live on the ABC 1 from 12.30-1.30pm. AESST
When: Wednesday October 7 Time: 11.45 – 1.30pm
Where: National Press Club, Canberra
"Disability Speaks will distribute on behalf of any organization that meets suitable criteria online information that is of wide disability community interest via our database that now numbers nearly 4,000 recipients for Govt, advocacy groups and other major disability organizations. We hope in the lead up to elections, state or federal we can distribute policy and support information from political groups. Such distribution is not in any way endorsement by Disability Speaks. From time to time Disability Speaks will also distribute media releases commenting on developments in the disability sector. We strongly encourage you to forward all releases to your friends, clients and disability supporters and encourage them to subscribe direct. To do so simply send an email subject "subscribe" to the address below.
David Holst
disabilityspeaks@internode.on.netIf you would like to be removed from the database please advise by return email. Disability Speaks has no affiliation with any political party or service provider, is self funded and run by volunteers.