Friday, 11 September 2009

Where's Mike?
MEDIA RELEASE September 8th 2009

The attached ad will appear in all editions of the S.A. metropolitan messenger press publications e.g. The Guardian, The Southern Times, The Eastern Courier etc either this Wednesday 9th September or next week.

It will be read by over 400,000 proud South Australians who will be horrified to see the low priority given to those with severe disability
Many are no doubt disgusted that SA has such a poor approach

The release of the June 30th 2009 official unmet need waiting lists showing ballooning numbers at the rate of 9% per annum is simply scary.

Nothing about the Disability crisis in S.A. will change despite the tragedy, despair and dismay unless our Premier Mr Rann makes disability funding a priority.

It is widely understood and that SA funding is between $50-$100 million dollars per year below national average

The miserly 2.5% increase in the 2009 State Budget when balanced against a 9% per annum increase in waiting lists and inflation of 3.5% means that the SA unmet disability need waiting list will double over the next four years.

It is time for the plan and the funding support that is sadly missing.

IMPORTANT; For Information
"Disability Speaks will distribute on behalf of any organization online information that is of wide disability community interest. Such a distribution will not in any way be endorsement of any group. Disability Speaks is a not for profit community advocacy group, self funded and run by volunteers. It has no association with any political parties or service groups"
Please forward this information on to your friends, clients, staff, carers and any one with a strong interest in supporting people with Disability.
To add your contact details to the Disability Speaks database simply enter "subscribe" and email to :
If you would like to be removed from the database please advise by return email. Disability Speaks has no affiliation with any political party or service provider, is self funded and run by volunteers.

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