It will be provocative, celebratory, challenging and supportive.
Everyday will feature news and views from those who meet disability head-on in their lives, their work, their community and family. We expect serious insights and sharp humour - a site with plenty of attitude. We will also be paying close attention to website ‘accessibility’.
I've been suffering with severe depression and anxiety for 6 years but I decided to turn my negative life events into a positive goal for myself, my family and other people in the same boat as me. I am studying psychology at university in order to one day help others with similar disabilities. It is strange, I know, but my psychology studies are my sanity in a messed up mental world of insanity and yes, it keeps me sane.
It is great to hear you have taken such a positive leap. To tackle your studies with a condition that really does sap motivation at times, needs to be applauded. Your insight into depression will no doubt enable you to assist many people. More power to you.
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