Friday, 15 July 2011

Want software that can help 'read' your readings and review assignments?

to help you get ready for SP5, we are running this workshop:
Read and Write GOLD Workshop
Friday 22nd July 2011
GK3-19, City West

Read and Write Gold is on all the University computer pools and has a lot of features to assist students with reading and writing...

• Find out how to have your readings and assignments ‘read’ to you
• Save readings as MP3 files and listen to them on the train home
• Use ‘word prediction’ to help you find the right word when writing
• Don’t know which witch is which?? Use the synonym checker.
• Have trouble spelling words? Do you spell words how they sound? Use an in-depth spell checker that gives definitions
• Try out the editing tools for writing assignments

For more information about the software:

For more information about this workshop email 

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