Friday, 2 March 2012

Two Grants Available for Students with a Disability

Ability Equipment Grants

The Ability Equipment Grants scheme will assist UniSA students with disabilities to purchase equipment and/or software which will assist them with their studies. Please note that the grants are not available to cover text book purchases or living related expenses such as travel costs.

Online applications open in mid February each year through the Scholarships Management System and grants are usually awarded in May. Eligible students may apply for and be awarded grants at other times, subject to the availability of funds. If you require a hard copy grant application form, please email  
Value: Up to $1,000 based on quoted value of equipment.

Cowan Ability Grants
Grants are available to assist students who have disabilities to manage the additional expenses associated with studying with disabilities. Many students with disabilities require additional equipment, have travel expenses and limited ability to earn additional income whilst studying.

The Cowan Ability Grants target recent school leavers who have completed high school within two years of commencing their current university program and who have successfully completed a year of study (equivalent to 36 units). This has been identified as a time when students are often struggling with the financial cost associated with continuing their study.
Online applications will open through my Scholarships in mid February.
Value: $2,000
For more information about these grants contact:
Learning & Teaching Unit
Disability Service

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