Friday, 20 April 2012

Leaders for Tomorrow Program - Registrations Open

The Leaders for Tomorrow Program is an individual leadership development program which has been funded by the Australian Government to develop the leadership capacity of people with disability.

The program is targeted at people who aspire to be leaders or further develop their current leadership capacity. At the end of the funding period it is expected that there will be 200 people with disability who are more skilled, more confident and more active in leadership roles in business, community, government or their chosen area of interest.

Participants will have up to 12 months access to training, coaching, mentoring and other leadership development opportunities based on their individual needs.
Selection Criteria:
  1. Interest in developing leadership skills e.g. why you have applied for the program; any previous leadership development.
  2. Commitment to using leadership skills in business, community, government or other area of interest e.g. previous leadership experiences; the kind of leadership activities you would like to pursue in the future.
  3. Ability to make a difference as a leader in business, community, government or other area of interest e.g. your strengths and what particular skills, experience or knowledge you can offer; how the community would benefit from you doing the program.
For more information or to apply:
Post: PO Box 200 Nedlands WA 6909
Phone: 1800 648 021

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