Friday, 26 October 2012

Cheap computers & latest news

Only 1 more week to go for SP5 classes....
How are you holding up? Have you followed your study plan? Are you making some time each day to de-stress (even just 15 minutes)?

Aspitech refurbish computers and sell them at affordable prices to students and people on low incomes. Currently you can buy an Intel Core2 2.4GHz Desktop and 19" Monitor for $120. Click here for more information.

Students with Autism wanted!
Robin Giles is researching the experiences of students with ASD who have made the transition to uni or TAFE. For more information, email Robin at

The Many Stories of Mental Health: With one in five Australians experiencing mental health issues each year, it's vital that personal stories are valued and told, writes Lucy Daniel. View article.

I Refuse to be Disabled by Fear: While people with disabilities, especially women, may experience a particular kind of vulnerability on our streets, it's vital that we not let it dictate our lives, writes Leah Hobson. View Article.

We wish you all the best for your final assignments and exams!!!
The Disability Services Team

Friday, 19 October 2012

Week 11: Exam Success & Stepping Into

Exam Success
Next week, the LTU are running some exam strategy and timed writing workshops. See the timetable for more information:
Also, some exam success tips can be found here.

Do you have trouble concentrating in exams?
Are you easily distracted by unhelpful thoughts?
Counsellors at the LTU are trained in mindfulness and can teach this to students to help with exams.
'The Desk' also has mindfulness modules you can do online.

Stepping Into Paid Internship 2012/2013
If you are studying business, human resources or industrial relations, you might be interested in a paid internship over the summer break. There is an opportunity at the Dept of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) near the Adelaide Airport. It is a great opportunity ot get paid work experience which can showcase your abilities and add to your resume.
More information here:

Friday, 12 October 2012

Week 10 - the finish line in sight

It's now week 10 and the end is in sight!!
It can be easy to lose focus at the end of the year, so we want to encourage you to keep motivated, keep studying and plan your next few weeks so you can finish those last assignments and exams.

For personal reflection:
- What makes the last weeks so challenging?
- What might you decide to do differently in the next weeks to respond to the challenges?
- What strategies could you use for your final assignments?

Friday, 5 October 2012

Stressless Week

Stressless Week is coming to UniSA
Watch out for free activities on your campus next week...
Free food, Chill out tent, relaxation tips, free give aways, information and tips on how to de-stress.
Activities will be between 12 and 2pm on the following days:
- Monday 8th October: City West
- Tuesday 9th October: City East

- Wednesday 10th October: Magill
- Thursday 11th October: Mawson Lakes

What are your stress busters? Post here your tips to de-stress in the lead up to exams...
Here are a few ideas to get you thinking...
45-second de-stress tips
de-stress tips from stress down day
Pets help us to de-stress
Free relaxation photos