Friday, 19 August 2011

Students with mental illness often don’t ask for help...

From an article in the Campus Review:
"One of the big issues is making students aware that there is support on campus.
"Do you have a disability?" This is one of the first things a student is asked at enrolment. Tick yes and a world of help opens, from special consideration and exam aids to assistance with building access. But students with mental illnesses rarely think to tick that box, a conference in Melbourne heard last week... "

See the rest of the article here:

UniSA has a range of services to support students with a mental health issue through the Counselling Service and Disability Services.  Check out some of the websites below for more information:
Other Resources:
Remember: If you are experiencing a mental health condition and it is impacting on your studies, you are welcome to have a confidential chat with a counsellor or disability adviser. Just book a time through the Learning and Teaching Unit on your campus.


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