Monday, 11 June 2012

Important Exam Information

Students with an Access Plan - Alternative Exam Venue Information

Please find outlined below Exam Information for Study Period 2, 2012 for students who have an Access Plan and are scheduled to sit their exams in the ‘Alternative Venue’ as indicated on their Access Plan.

Alternative Venue for Study Period 2, 2012
Arena Sports Bar, Royal Adelaide Showground
The Arena Sports Bar is located adjacent to the Royal Banquet Room at the Royal Adelaide Showground. Toilets are located in the room and accessible toilet facilities close by.

** Don’t forget your Access Plan **
Students are required to bring a copy of their Access Plan to every exam. If you attend your exam without your Access Plan you may not be provided the negotiated alternative exam adjustments.

If you need a copy of your Access Plan please email and a copy will be emailed to you within 2 working days.

Exam Venue Tour
If you want to familiarise yourself with the alternative venue before exams start, Disability Advisers will be at the Arena Sports Bar Friday 15th June, 12.40pm to 1.30pm.

Students are welcome to drop by during this time to check out the venue and facilities. No need to book.

Exam Timetable
The exams will be held from Saturday 16th June to Saturday 30th June, 2012. Students should refer to the Examination Timetable for details of the day, date and time of their exam/s. The information can also be found on the course homepages and in myUniSA. Disability Advisers are not able to check the timetable for students. For some students who have exams that finish late, SAS Exams Office may make some time changes to the start of your exam. Students in this situation will be contacted directly by SAS via email.

Map for the Alternative Venue
Please refer to the Exams Location Information on the Examination website for a map of the Royal Adelaide Showground. On this page you will also find more information about the location, maps and parking.

Please note that students are not to bring their bags into the Alternative Exam Venue room unless this is indicated on their Access Plan due to health reasons. Bags are to be taken to the Baggage Store Room. For more information on what is permitted in the exam please refer to In the Exam Room .

Designated Accessible Parking for exams
Students who are eligible for designated Accessible Parking for exams will be sent a parking permit.

Any Queries?
If you have any queries or concerns please email as soon as possible or contact a Disability Adviser at your campus.

All the best for your exams,

Learning & Teaching Unit
Disability Service Team

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